This Week In Erlang Aug 18

Welcome to another week of Erlang action. The good news is that this week we saw a lot of action on the OTP repo. Bad news is that not so much went on in the community. But we still have couple of cool things to look at!

Articles and Blog posts

Library updates

OTP Updates

This week we saw some interesting PRs and updates going into OTP master branch (OTP21) :

Library of the week

This week I wanted to highlight a project that has helped me plenty. xprof by Appliscale is an amazing application that runs in your VM and allows you to time any function that is running. The UI is very simple, and it also allows you to capture any function calls that take more than a specified time. Use it to find your bottlenecks and make things faster!

Project of the week is trying to run some sort of a distributed AI system. Read more about their research and technology on their website The idea seems interesting, however, I wish their website was a bit more informative.