This Week In Erlang Sept 8

Hello and welcome to another “This week in Erlang” newsletter! We have a lot to share this week. But, first, I’d like to thank Mark Allen (@bytemeorg) for volunteering to take over the newsletter while I’m gone.

Community Announcement

Mariano Guerra released the first ever “State of BEAM” survey last week, I wanted to remind you all again to fill it if you have forgotten or share it with your network.

Articles and Blog posts

Library updates

OTP Updates

Library of the week

istype a library by, Charles Zilm (@Projectgoldfish), that allows for runtime type checking in your Erlang code. It achieves this by using parse transforms and saves a lot of hassle. Take a look:

Project of the week

Rabl is a new project, by Russell Brown (@russelldb), that is using the Riak components to build a “replicated, distributed database that runs as a cluster”. It is definitely and interesting project and has a lot of potential. Take a look here:

Thanks to @bytemeorg for the suggestion.
