This Week In Erlang Oct 14

Welcome to another “This week in Erlang” newsletter! We are one day behind schedule but that should be okay. Right?

Articles and Blog posts

Library Updates

OTP Updates

OTP 20.1.2 was released with a very important bug fix. Checkout the announcement here:!topic/erlang-programming/-7a7Jl30WK4

Library of the week

This week we have a suggestion by Fred Hèbert (@mononcqc). eministat by Jesper L. Andersen (@jlouis666) is a statistical comparison library. You can use it to compare your benchmark datasets and find out useful information:

Project of the week

HolidayPing, suggested by @warianoguerra, is a webapp that can be used to notify all of your important contacts on your time off dates. Backend is done in Erlang and the frontend is done in ClojureScript. We need more projects like this!

Events and Meetups

